Article 32A of the Indian Constitution (Repealed)


Article 32A of the Indian Constitution: Power of Parliament to Alter the Scope of Right to Constitutional Remedies (Repealed)

🌟 Introduction

Article 32A was inserted into the Indian Constitution by the 42nd Amendment Act of 1976, and it relates to the Right to Constitutional Remedies under Article 32. This article empowers Parliament to legislate on the matters of the Right to Constitutional Remedies and alter the scope and jurisdiction of courts in enforcing these rights.

📜 Text of Article 32A

"Notwithstanding anything in the foregoing provisions of this Part, Parliament may, by law, empower any other court to exercise the powers conferred on the Supreme Court under this Part."

🔍 Explanation of Article 32A

1. ⚖️ Role of Article 32A

  • Article 32A allows Parliament to expand the scope of Article 32 and grant the power to enforce fundamental rights to courts other than the Supreme Court. This gives the legislature the flexibility to designate other courts to exercise powers similar to those of the Supreme Court in enforcing Fundamental Rights.

2. 📜 Right to Constitutional Remedies

  • Article 32, often called the "Heart and Soul" of the Constitution, provides a right to constitutional remedies to individuals who feel their fundamental rights have been violated. It gives the Supreme Court the power to enforce these rights. Article 32A extends the possibility of empowering other courts, such as High Courts, to handle these matters.

3. ⚡ Empowerment of Other Courts

  • Before Article 32A, the Supreme Court had the sole jurisdiction over the enforcement of fundamental rights. After its inclusion, Parliament can empower other courts (like High Courts) to take up cases related to the enforcement of these rights, thereby reducing the burden on the Supreme Court and ensuring expeditious justice.

🌍 Importance of Article 32A

⚖️ Empowering Other CourtsGrants Parliament the authority to empower High Courts or other courts to enforce fundamental rights.
⚡ Expediting JusticeBy reducing the burden on the Supreme Court, it allows for faster adjudication of fundamental rights cases.
🔧 Flexibility in Legal SystemGives Parliament flexibility to designate courts as necessary to handle constitutional matters.
🛡️ Protection of Fundamental RightsStrengthens the right to constitutional remedies by allowing more courts to address violations of fundamental rights.

🌟 Significance and Scope of Article 32A

1. 🏛️ Empowering High Courts

  • Article 32A allows High Courts to have jurisdiction over matters related to the enforcement of fundamental rights. Before this, only the Supreme Court could hear petitions under Article 32. This change ensures that justice is accessible in more courts across the country, making the legal system more effective.

2. 🏃‍♂️ Speedy Justice

  • By distributing the responsibility to more courts, cases can be processed more quickly. The Supreme Court often deals with a huge caseload, and shifting some cases to High Courts can result in a faster resolution for those whose rights have been violated.

3. ⚖️ Jurisdictional Flexibility

  • Article 32A gives Parliament the flexibility to decide whether other courts should handle constitutional cases or not. This means that, depending on the situation, the courts that handle constitutional matters can be altered to ensure the smooth functioning of the judicial system.

💡 Example of Application of Article 32A

  • If there is a case where an individual's fundamental rights are violated, instead of going to the Supreme Court, High Courts or other courts may have the jurisdiction to hear and enforce the violation, as empowered by Article 32A.

  • For instance, if there is a violation of Article 21 (Right to Life and Personal Liberty), High Courts in different states can be empowered to take action under the provisions of Article 32A, making it more accessible to citizens.

🌍 Article 32A in Practice

⚖️ Transfer of JurisdictionArticle 32A allows Parliament to transfer the jurisdiction of constitutional remedies to other courts.
🕒 Timely JusticeEnsures that justice is served quickly by reducing the load on the Supreme Court.
💼 Flexibility for Legal ReformProvides Parliament the power to reform the judicial process and increase efficiency.

🚨 Criticisms of Article 32A

1. ⚖️ Impact on the Supremacy of the Supreme Court

  • Some critics argue that Article 32A might undermine the role of the Supreme Court, as it allows Parliament to transfer certain cases to other courts, which could weaken the Supreme Court’s power in the enforcement of fundamental rights.

2. 🛑 Overburdening High Courts

  • While it relieves the Supreme Court of its caseload, the transfer of cases to High Courts might lead to an overburdening of these courts, especially in states with a high population. It is important to ensure that High Courts have the infrastructure and capacity to handle these additional cases.

3. 🚨 Potential for Political Influence

  • There is also a concern that the empowerment of other courts might allow the government to influence judicial decisions on constitutional matters. Critics argue that Parliament could use its power to impact decisions related to the enforcement of fundamental rights.

🌟 Conclusion

Article 32A is a vital provision in the Indian Constitution that allows Parliament to empower other courts, such as High Courts, to enforce fundamental rights. It ensures that the Right to Constitutional Remedies is not just confined to the Supreme Court, but can also be handled by other courts, leading to speedier justice and making the judicial system more efficient.

However, like all laws, it is not without its criticisms. While it provides flexibility, it also raises concerns about the potential undermining of the Supreme Court's supremacy and the capacity of other courts to handle these cases effectively.



1st Amendment,1,42nd Amendment Act,1,Amendments,2,Art 23,1,Article 1,1,Article 11,1,Article 12,1,Article 13,1,Article 14,1,Article 15,1,Article 16,1,Article 18,1,Article 2,1,Article 20,1,Article 21,1,Article 21A,1,Article 22,1,Article 24,1,Article 25,1,Article 26,1,Article 27,1,Article 28,1,Article 29,1,Article 3,1,Article 30,1,Article 31,1,Article 31A,1,Article 31B,1,Article 31C,1,Article 31D,1,Article 32,1,Article 32A,1,Article 33,1,Article 34,1,Article 4,1,Article 5,1,Article 51A,1,Article 6,1,Article 7,1,Article 8,1,Article 9,1,Constitution,44,Constitution of India,1,Equality,1,Fraternity,1,Fundamental duties,1,Fundamental Rights,1,Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act,2,Hindu Law,1,Hindu Law Notes,1,Indian Acts,2,Indian Constitution,1,Indian Polity,7,Justice,1,Law Notes,1,Liberty,1,Parliament,1,Section 18,1,Socialist Principles,1,State Legislatures,1,Welfare State,1,
LAW ZONE - The Indian Legal Education Portal !: Article 32A of the Indian Constitution (Repealed)
Article 32A of the Indian Constitution (Repealed)
Article 32A was inserted into the Indian Constitution by the 42nd Amendment Act of 1976, and it relates to the Right to Constitutional Remedies under
LAW ZONE - The Indian Legal Education Portal !
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